Mushindo Karate - Triple Boxing

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Mushindo Karate


The origin of Mushindo Karate traces its roots back to ancient China with the introduction of martial exercises into the shaolin temple by an Indian Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma in the sixth century. In his travels from India to China, and then to Okinawa, he established Kung Fu in main land China and, after years of refinement, founded Mushindo (originally referred to as Nahate) style of Karate in the city of Naha, Okinawa. Mushin in Japanese translates to "no-mind," which is a mental state martial artists are said to enter during combat; a condition in which ego and emotions are absent in which the warrior reacts intuitively and moves instinctively. Meaning one merely flows with the present moment. When Mushin is attained, the body can act and react without attention or the invovlement of ego. The best way to attain no-mind is to do forms in a spontaneous manner. "Free form" (widely known as "free kata") is an advanced stage of form practice that insists on no rearranged choreography. In modern days this style of Karate is also referred to as Japanese/Oriental kickbocing for a) simplicity, b) its natural, fluid, and circular movements, and c) free form (no prearranged set kata movemens).

The Mushindo Karate practiced at Triple Boxing is an ancient, authentic style of martial arts that is true to its original belief system of earning versus purchasing ranks. The ranking system is a unique stucture that shows the experience and the skill level of each practitioner. Students start at the lowest belt level, white, and work their way to the top color, black, before starting the Dan grading system. The color belt order is white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red brown, and black. In-between each colored belt is an intermediate level known as "tag." The duration of time taken between each color belt is a minimum of three months, which leads to an average of four years of Karate practice to rightfully obtain the black belt level. This could take longer as it solely depends on the dedication, discipline, and consistency of each Karate-kai practitioner.

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